I voted. It didn't count. I am wearing black today in protest and in mourning of the death of liberty.
Yesterday, as I stood in line at the polling location, I overheard an African American Woman in line. She said, "This is the first time in my life I have voted. I just want some change." She voted Obama. I woke up this morning and a friend of mine who has always voted libretarian said he voted for Obama. Look, this is just rediculous. How can someone with libretarian views vote for anything the remotely smells like socialism? It makes no sense.
I am not mad that McCain lost. It was a tough election. I am mad because the people who elected Obama listed to mass media, did little research on the candidate, and in most cases can't even state coherent reasons why they voted for Obama. In the instances when someone could state reasons, they were unwilling to entertain alternative views of Obama's plans. I only found one Obama supporter who was willing to entertain alternative views of Obama's plans. His arguments were based on his values, not the media. I respect that voter.
I am proud of this country for making it through another election.
The people wanted change.
Change is here.
I am just not sure it's the change everyone expects.